Motorcycle Boots Vs Hiking Boots

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The major difference between these two boots is that one is designed for motorcycle riding while the other is designed for hiking. Some people have tried using one instead of the other. 

Hiking boots seem to be an alternative for motorcycle boots to many riders. As a result of that, people often wonder if there’s any difference between these two. 

Motorcycle boots are built to be protective while hiking boots are built to be comfortable. You can comfortably use hiking boots to walk on the street, but not motorcycle boots.

At the end of this comparison, we will determine which is better between Hiking and Motorcycle boots. 

First Glance At Motorcycle Boots

Motorcycle Boots Vs Hiking Boots

Motorcycle boots are the kind of boots that you may not comfortably use for any other thing aside from riding on a motorcycle. It is so because that’s just how they are made.

At first glance, you will notice that motorcycle boots are like metal boots. You will notice the metal shank on the boots and that is mainly for protection of the foot. 

You will also notice that motorcycle boots have a high shaft and that’s to keep your ankle safe. At a glance on motorcycle boots, you will literally hear safety calling out to you. 

Motorcycle boots are sturdy and waterproof. You will probably notice how strong they look at first glance. Check out this example for more details. 

O’Neal 0325-110 Rider Boot

Motorcycle Boots Vs Hiking Boots

This motorcycle boot is regarded as the best motorcycle boot for riders. As much as this boot is great, it has its own disadvantages. Let’s check the qualities. 

This boot is made with metal shank reinforcement that serves as a protective gear to the shank of the leg. That’s basically why it’s a motorcycle boot.

The sole is made with Goodyear welt construction. This boot has good grip, which is one of the basic requirements of a motorcycle boot. 

The boot has an air mesh interior and that enables breathability of the boot. The insole is cushioned for comfort. The boot is built with heel support. 

It is a waterproof boot and it is really stiff. That is the major challenge with this boot. You will need days of breaking in to be able to use it for riding. 

This boot is expensive but still affordable. You can get it for $125. 

First Glance At Hiking Boots

Hiking boots are great fashionable boots that are designed for hard terrains when hiking, depending on the brand you buy. Most hiking boots are good for what they are built for. 

At first glance, you will notice that they are like the kind of boots you can wear on a regular basis. You can afford to wear them for anything else aside from hiking.

When you first glance at hiking boots, you will notice how fashionable they look and how sturdy most of them are. You will also see that they are built with good shaft height. 

The shaft height can be a good reason to use them for motorcycle riding because they provide ankle protection. You will also notice the rubber soles in most hiking boots. Let’s check this example for more details. 

Timberland Ledge Waterproof Hiking Boot

Motorcycle Boots Vs Hiking Boots

This Timberland hiking boot happens to be the best seller in Men’s Hiking Boots. So now, it is a battle of two best boots in motorcycle riding and hiking.

This boot is made of 100% leather and the sole material is rubber. It is also embedded with EVA footbed for enhanced comfort. This boot is made to last.

In this boot, you can freely walk around even when you’re not hiking. The boot is flexible to use, that’s why you can comfortably walk in it. 

This boot is built with ankle support and that is really good. It is also a waterproof boot. With all these features, you can afford to use it for motorcycle riding. 

You can get this boot between $89 to $179 and that’s affordable enough. You should buy it now if you need a good hiking boot. You will enjoy wearing this boot.

Comparison Between Motorcycle Boots And Hiking Boots

The aim of this article is to ascertain which is better in use motorcycle boots and hiking boots.

To determine that, I will compare the construction, comfort level, quality, price, silhouette, size, and fitting of these two boots.


You need to understand how a thing is made so that you will know how to use it properly. Motorcycle boots are constructed mainly of steel. They are waterproof.

The shank part is majorly steel, and other parts are made depending on the brand you buy from. But they are made of a combination of leather and steel. 

The steel component is to enable adequate protection for the feet, the reason why they are very expensive. Most motorcycle boots are welted rather than stitched. 

Hiking boots, on the other hand, are made of leather and rubber. Most brands use leather for the upper and rubber for the sole. Some use suede for the upper. 

Hiking boots are well-stitched and some good brands are built to last. Most hiking boots are embedded with footbeds for ample comfort. 

Most hiking boots are built with lots of support and they are also waterproof or water resistant, depending on the brand you buy. 


The quality of either motorcycle or hiking boots depends on the brand they are made. You will likely know about the quality when you hear from others or when you start using them. 

Motorcycle boots are generally good quality boots, good for what they are built for. The steel they are made of and the welting construction make them last longer. 

They are built for protection of the overall feet and most of them are good at that. Motorcycle boots are able to provide ankle and foot protection, and they last long, make them good quality boots.

Hiking boots are also good quality boots depending on the brand you are buying. If you’re buying the recommended one above, you are sure to get good quality hiking boots. 

Most hiking boots may not last for long and they may not be good in waterproofing, but there are very good ones. Always look out for the good quality ones. 

For hiking boots, they need to last for about one and half years to be considered good quality. A good number of hiking boots can stay longer than this. 

When it comes to quality, both motorcycle and hiking boots can be good quality depending on the brand they are made. 

Comfort Level

Comfort is what everyone desires in footwear generally. While some boots can be managed even without good comfort, others cannot be managed. 

Motorcycle boots are not the best boots when it comes to comfort. If it is comfort you really need and you are not ready to endure motorcycle boots for a while, then they are not for you. 

Even while riding, you will need to get used to using a new motorcycle boot for riding before you can actually ride in full force. You have to use motorcycle boots until you get comfortable using them.

That is not the case for hiking boots. Majority of hiking boots are comfortable. That is why you can afford to walk in them even when you can’t do so with motorcycle boots. 

Most hiking boots are embedded with cushioned or removable footbeds for extra comfort. There is also ankle support in most hiking boots. 

When it comes to comfort, hiking boots are far better than motorcycle boots. This is another reason people choose to use hiking boots for riding instead of motorcycle boots. 


It is actually very obvious that motorcycle boots are more expensive than hiking boots. Isn’t that why people look for alternatives for motorcycle boots? 

You can only find motorcycle boots from $100 upwards. High brand motorcycle boots sell from $300 upwards. You need to have at least $150 to get a motorcycle boots. 

They are actually worth the expensive price because a lot of money is used in the raw materials of motorcycle boots. You shouldn’t neglect buying them if you can. 

Hiking boots can be expensive and they can be very affordable depending on the brand. If you’re starting out, you might want to get the affordable ones. 

You can find hiking boots for as low as $30 and as high as $200. Most hiking boots are sold between $50 to $100. They are quite good and affordable. You could even buy two at once.

When it comes to pricing, hiking boots are more affordable than motorcycle boots, but they are all worth their prices. 

Size / Fitting

Sizing and fit is another important factor in the footwear industry. These two factors are basically dependent on the brands that make these boots. 

Motorcycle boots are fitting when you get the right size for your foot. But, you will not be comfortable at all if you get the wrong size. You do not want to wear steel inadequately. 

When you get your motorcycle boot from a good brand, you will most likely find a good fit and perfect size for yourself. Otherwise, you might have to return for an exchange. 

Hiking boots are fitting and true to size as well depending on the brand. Just like regular shoes, you will likely have issues finding your right size in some brands. 

By the time you get your hiking boots from good brands, you will find a true to size and a perfect fit boot for yourself. That is when you will feel more comfortable wearing hiking boots. 

When it comes to size and fitting, both boots are true to size and are good fitting depending on the brand you buy them. So, ensure that you check for good brands before you purchase any of them. Better still, you can buy the ones recommended above. 


When it comes to looks, it can only be reflected by purchase. Motorcycle boots may not be really fashionable because they were not made to look good but to protect the feet. 

Some motorcycle boots can be attractive and stylish. But, style isn’t what will be on your mind when going for motorcycle boots. 

You might want to consider fashion in motorcycle boots when you are buying from top brands. There, you can be sure to pay for the looks as well. 

Hiking boots are fashionable and stylish. Some of them are made to look like regular dress boots that you can wear to any outdoor occasion. 

Fashion is one of the things that makes some people seek hiking boots for riding instead of motorcycle boots. People mostly want to show how good they look even when safety is at stake. 

Hiking boots are good looking and most of them can easily pass for cute dress boots. When it comes to silhouette, hiking boots are more fashionable and better looking than motorcycle boots. 

Final Verdict (Which Is Better?)

Here comes the main aim of this article. Considering all that you have read, which would you prefer? Let’s go over the comparison briefly. 

In terms of construction, both are made according to function and they are constructed well depending on the brand. In terms of quality, this is dependent on the brand. 

In terms of comfort level, hiking boots are generally more comfortable than motorcycle boots. In terms of price, hiking boots are more affordable than motorcycle boots. 

They are both true to size and fitting depending on the brand you get them. Hiking boots are better looking than motorcycle boots. 

If you want a boot for professional motorcycle riding, motorcycle boots are better. If not, you do not need a motorcycle boot. 

If you need a boot for hiking and everyday wear, hiking boots are better. Hiking boots are more versatile in use than motorcycle boots. Each of them is better according to function. 


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